I apologize for the lack of updates as teaching and trying to finish my upcoming book has taken up so much time. However, I am excited to say that a multi-year project is finally coming to fruition.
My book, Otway Burns: Tar Heel Privateer, Legislator, and Naval Hero of the War of 1812 will be out at the end of 2025. I’m excited to work with a great North Carolina publisher on this project, McFarland & Co., who will be crossing all the Ts and dotting all the Is.

Burns was a famous North Carolinian in the 19th century — an action-adventure hero before there was such a term. I can’t wait for you to read about the wild battles in the War of 1812, a rarely talked about subject, and then his later work as legislator and business person.
Because he was somewhat of a riches to rags and fiery persona, he is not well-known outside of coastal North Carolina, even though he helped build Fort Macon, establish several western counties, and has two towns named after him.
I’ll be posting more as we go. For now, here’s the beautiful cover the folks at McFarland sent over.
This is great news Mike, can’t hardly wait.
Thank you! The support is much appreciated.
Look forward to it, Michael.